Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brady's New Blog

Hey y'all, I'm starting a new blog. It's just a place where I can write down some thoughts. Posts may have political undertones and religious overtones. However, most of my posts will probably just be humorous observations about life. For example, I might write about my belief that Optimus Prime should be next in line for a Nobel Peace Prize. It will be a private blog so let me know if you want to be allowed to read it. I only have one post on there now, so check it out to see if you want to join.


Spenny and Nellie Morris said...

We want to be invited...we could use a good laugh!

Johnny said...

me too

Johnny said...

Me too! and I think Michelle meant at gmail too.

shelly said...

Wow, I probably check you blog once a month to my usual disappointment that you are still burning finals but this month caught me off guard. Wow, prolific.

add me but don't tell anybody. especially johnny.

Johnny said...

HA! Shelly, I found out, but I won't tell you how.

shelly said...

WHAT? You changed your template but not your posts? Disappointing :(
I haven't seen you for a week and I'm wondering what happened to you for the last 7 days.

Marquessa said...

I love how this just got started...6 months ago.

shelly said...

So it's been a year, we've seen graduations, new jobs, purchasing your first house, and getting a dog.

But none of this on blogger :(