Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brady's New Blog

Hey y'all, I'm starting a new blog. It's just a place where I can write down some thoughts. Posts may have political undertones and religious overtones. However, most of my posts will probably just be humorous observations about life. For example, I might write about my belief that Optimus Prime should be next in line for a Nobel Peace Prize. It will be a private blog so let me know if you want to be allowed to read it. I only have one post on there now, so check it out to see if you want to join.

Unmethodical Happenings

Lots of stuff has been happening in our lives. We have been juggling things around from mid-terms to watching "the office". Melissa life is just completely filled with bedpans, sponge baths, and open ended robes... and it's not because Brady is getting lazy either. She has to complete 230 clinical hours at a hospital this semester. Brady is keeping busy as a full-time student AND employee. Office politics are starting to ware down on him, but he is still going strong at Wells Fargo.
Not too long ago, one of Brady's best friends was visiting Provo. Dave Firmage plays for USU Soccer and they were down here playing BYU. Turns out that BYU has more than just football and basketball... who'd a thunk it!? Unfortunately, USU lost. But it was good to see Dave, his wife Chelsi, and "Mamma Firmage" again.
We also went with Doyle and Chelsea up the canyon for a Sunday Afternoon picnic. The leaves had all changed colors, the weather was perfect, and Melissa made some great eatin's. We walked around to enjoy the nice fall colors. We even ran into Brady's old roommate and long-time friend Eric Volmar. You just can't escape Davis Darts, no matter how hard you try.
We spent last monday night buying Halloween decorations. Brady is a holiday nut and just loves getting into the spirit of whatever holiday is coming up.
Yesterday, we had a very interesting experience. Brady's Aunt went to the temple for the first time to receive her endowment. She has been preparing for it for a while and Brady was able to get work off, so we met up with family at the Salt Lake Temple. It was Melissa's first time to the SLC temple and enjoyed it a lot. It was a wonderful day. We also met up at Mammy and Pappy Morris's house and had some catered BBQ. Yesterday was both a spiritual and physical feast. We had to make a run for it after dinner because no one wants to play "tackle the guy in the shirt and tie" with nephews who didn't actually eat BBQ but rubbed it on their faces. T'was good times.

I would post pics, but blogger is not letting me. Sorry

Our New Apartment

Well, we haven't updated out blog for a long time, but we have tried for the past two weeks to upload a video of our old apartment. Our old apartment was a wonder to behold. However, the only thing wondrous about it was how it was still standing. Here is historic Provo, your lucky to find a house that wasn't built in the 1800's. I'm pretty sure that some of the first settlers built our apartment. It was freakishly small. It was only a studio apartment (basically, we were lucky that we didn't have an outhouse). Melissa's closet was in the kitchen and Brady's closet was the only thing separating the bedroom from the living room. Our bathtub was pink... which was pretty amazing. Water would leak through the door and light fixture when it rained. Needless to say, we are grateful that we are in a new place.
We now live in an apartment complex called Heritage Court. We have room to spare and even have wall-space to hang pictures. We have central air and a garbage disposal!! Brady's last two apartments didn't have a garbage disposal, so he's pretty excited about having one again. Brady was also excited to change wards because our old ward started at 8:30 am and he was the 2nd counselor in the Elder's Quorum. Little did we know that we moved into a ward that starts at 8 am and Brady was called as the 1st counselor in the Elder's Quorum in our new ward. Our ward is really great and we are getting to know a lot of people.