Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2 Months Old!

That's right, our handsome little man is two months old now! It's amazing how quickly the time passes and how much they change. Somehow it feels like he has always been with us, and it's hard to imagine life without him.

Here are some stats and facts about two month old Carter:

Weight: 12.2 pounds - 55% (he was in the 15% at his first appointment, so the doctor was pretty pleased with his weight gain)

Length: 24 inches - 91% (started in the 58%)

Head circumference: 16 inches - 92% (started in the 63%, thank goodness!)

  • He is smiling! Yes, I shed a few tears the first time he smiled at me, which was around 4 or 5 weeks. It's still a bit tricky to catch a real smile from this little guy, he mostly just looks very pensive and curious. He will often get a small, smirky, half-smile (he's quite the charmer), and occasionally will break out into a full mouth, open, gummy smile which will just melt your heart.
  • He has big, beautiful, dark blueish eyes. He was born with really long eyelashes too, and they have darkened a bit which make his eyes just stunning! Love them!
  • He has the loudest baby farts ever! Seriously, I have never heard a baby consistently pass gas as loudly as this kid does. Right now it's hilarious and cute, but hopefully he'll grow out of it once he gets old enough for it to be gross...
  • Stills hates baths. I've gotten pretty good at doing them quick in order to minimize the crying.
  • Carter is not a fan of tummy time... it pretty much always ends with tears. He is able to lift his head and turn it side to side, but he spends most of the time kicking his legs like he's trying to army crawl or something. 
  • Has almost rolled over on several occasions. He can kind of get himself on his side, but that's as far as he's gotten up to this point.
  • He has really good head control when he is upright; supported sitting, held against your shoulder, etc. 
  • He has super strong legs and loves to stand supported on your lap. 
  • When he is awake, he's always looking around to see new things. He can focus on an object and will move his head to follow it.
  • He recognizes mommy and daddy's voices and will turn to look at us when someone else is holding him and he hears us talking. 
  • He has developed quite a variety of noises: cooing, squealing, half-hearted cries (it almost sounds as if he's fake crying, and they're actually quite adorable), and what we have dubbed the "dolphin cry" (which is slightly funny and really sad at the same time; he only does it when he's really upset).
  • When he's awake, his hands are all over the place! He often looks as if he's giving a powerful speech or preparing for a boxing match...
  • One word: ticklish. He definitely gets that from me. He doesn't laugh quite yet, but when you tickle his belly, armpits, or feet, he throws his arms and legs straight out and stiffens his whole body.
  • Loves the Baby Bjiorn baby carrier. If he's fussy, we put him in the carrier and start walking around, and he usually calms right down. We have also discovered that the Baby Bjiron + vacuuming = sleeping baby. That comes in handy. :)
  • Sadie was very curious about Carter and wasn't quite sure what to do when we first brought him home. Fortunately, she has settled in to her place in the family and has accepted Carter, I think even likes him. She always wants to kiss him, smell him, lick his hands and feet, etc. I have a feeling that they will become great friends as Carter gets older.
  • Sleeps consistently 6-7 hours a night (sometimes he'll even go 8!). He has been sleeping through the night since about 5 or 6 weeks, for which we both feel very blessed. 
So there you have it; that is our sweet little boy at two months old. Now for more pictures. Enjoy!

One month pictures for comparison